Monday, May 18, 2009

A Read Full of Perspective for Parents

I don't spend very much time writing about my kiddos. I don't have photos on the blog of their sweet faces. Sometimes their hands appear. . . sometimes their backs. . . I know many have lovely postings with their whole families and I applaud that. The openness and bravery of that type of sharing doesn't quite fit my personality.
I have mentioned that quilting has taught me to deal with imperfection in my whole life. The above book, Mitten Strings for God, brings to light a similar perspective. It begs for attentiveness and simplicity in parening. It acknowledges that we do our best and get opportunities to do better when we fall. Maybe most parents have that securely in mind always, but I seem to lose hold of it. As I read it, it reminded me of the lessons of attentiveness Thornton Wilder's play "Our Town" provides. Emily of that play asks, "Do human beings ever realize life while they live it, every, every minute?" and the Stage Manager responds, "Saints and poets, maybe they do some." The writer, Kenison, suggests that our children will be stronger, happier and more fully themselves if we attend to them as Wilder's saints and poets attend to life.
If you are longing for stronger connections and the anxiety of the present is weighing on you and your family, this book provides ideas for slowing down, for creativity and for giving of ourselves. Katrina Kenison writes from her own experiences and shares simple wisdom about parenting. The reading is fast and the ideas are all grounded in love and kindness.

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