Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Figgy Pudding by Moda Fun

The colors in the Moda's Figgy Pudding line are rich and warm. With a charm pack in hand, I just had to play. I'll write up a little pattern for this soon, but for now, here is a look at a WIP. The charms are in the middle with some red sashing as ribbon for the gift. White, brown and one of the Figgy Pudding prints make the borders for it. We'll see how quickly I work, but maybe it will be done by next week. The "get ready for holiday giving bug" has definitely bit me. Making things for those I love is so joyful. With the chilly are now here in the Northwest, time inside seems much more reasonable.

1 comment:

Michele McLaughlin said...

Hi Heather, Love the quilt! Just found your blog a little bit ago and really enjoying it. I love the new mod fabrics that moda and michael miller are offering :)