Sunday, November 30, 2008

Where to find a White Christmas

As I was arranging the bows of our artificial tree, I couldn't help but long for the white Christmases of the Upper Midwest. As an adult, I would drive up to Leverty's Traditional Trees and take in the season--cider, an amazing selection, friendly staff, wreaths made while you watched, and all the Christmas fun. I think my parents and my brother still make that trip part of their holiday traditions. If you are in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area, or on the Wisconsin side of the St. Croix River, the drive to Leverty's is worth the trip. I wish I could make it today.

1 comment:

YayaOrchid said...

It does seem like a really nice place to visit and take the kids on an outing for the family tree. Thanks for sharing the link.